On "Creative Visualization"

Yesterday, M__ showed me a book that his friend lend him. It was an old, 1970's book that had been incredibly popular back then, and stil sort of is today in the 'new-agy' entourages [in fact, it has been republished many times over the years]:
Creative Visualization:
Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Your Life
by Shakti Gawain.
First off, I must say that any 'truht' of the Asian philisophy brought to us by an American who took a Asian sounding name is always a bit woo-woo in my books, and I proceed with caution.
I have learn not to trust hippies. Sorry.
but that being says, from what I read, the principles in the book cannot hurt if one does not cling to them. The principle is that everything being 'energy', we can obviously influence the course of action simply by being concious of what kind of 'energy' we 'put out there'. We often deny ourselve some good experiences that we wish for because of underlying, contradicting fears and angers.
That's all I can tell you for now...
I guess I may have more once I get a good read at the book.
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