Sunday, May 15, 2005

comparing, comparing. no no!

"they" say that it is when you are the most deperate that prayers come spontaniously. Well, I am pretty much constantly on some sort of a state of alertness since a fwe years. I don't know exactly why but I suspect it is mostly because of my work situation. I always feel like I am going to loose my job, the change will be hard, etc.

Anyway I know I am f* irritating to anyone who is has their shizme figured out, but what can I say, I got to put the words out there in the 'universe' of the web, or in the universe in general, and somehow, the positive answer will come back to me I figure.
I have been trying to figure out why I am like this and comparing situations with some people I know who seem all 'cag' around here.


- makes $40,000/year
- as a f* journeyman for the muni and works four days a week
- has been working there for 15 years!
- has a house

- doesn't have much money
- is on some sort of handicapped pension for about $600/mnth indefinitely...
- hasn't work in 5 years
- parents are loaded with dineros

- same job for 7 years [only 4 mtnhs a year]
- $21/hour
- doesn't work 3/4 of the year ->chomage
- receives money from parents
- has been able to save f* over 10,000 like that
- low rent
- doesn't use is car [barely]
- chhhhhhhhheap ass

- in 4 years have been here:
- started by not being able to find a job for 6mth
- lost my first job where I was [evetually] paid $14/h for the last 6mtnh after 1.5y of working there.
- got a second job at $14/h for 7mtnh [4 days a week]
- changed to another job: Had it for about 7mtnh now -> but lost it! [was paid about 18$/h but had to do so much unpaid overtime I probably was paid $16/h
- have to commute extensively [over 90km a day!]
- low rent

Anyway, I realise you can't compare, but I know that the f* changing work all the time really stresses me out!


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