Monday, May 02, 2005

So long and thanks for all the fish...

Well folks, it's finally over. I have lost my stupid job. Now it finally kicked in tonight. I am sad and lost. I feel so insecure but I must not let this demoralize me.

Seriously. this might be a blessing in disguise. No one can tell what the future hold and trust me, I can definitively be scared sh*tless when things like that happen. I am so afraid of not making enough money, or But all in all, I sort of believe that it was really a great opportunity to be chosen by A___. I mean, at best of time I think she has mental issues, but She has really helped me, and been as sincere as she can be, just because I smiled to her, on that first interview...She looked like she was a moody girl. Instantly, she knew I would endure her caprices.

Now it's over. But I am a bit better off. I have worked with a company that is somewhat repected. It is a real opportunity to continue with a better company perhaps. I have a good record and I have made Allies. I am not in anybodies' way. And I am a good worker.
Sometimes I can be intimidated and this saps my creativity. I need a stable environment, where I feel at least somewhat appreciated, trusted in my knowledge and ability, and respected as an individual.


I just read my chinese astrology. Although I know it is pretty much bull. I just want to believe in it a lill bit. You see, I tend to be very pescimistic, so this wont hurt in the least bit. here is what describes my sign:

The Water Rat
Being guided by the Water element means these Rats have a knack for influencing people. With their strong intellectual powers and great insight, they are also great puzzle solvers. They are quick to understand others and are incredibly practical people. Rats apply their talents to their everyday lives, making them obliging, generous and compassionate to other people. Generally, they are liked and respected by everyone. Like all Rats, however, they can be determined to seek their own gain, and will not mind using these talents to achieve it - though generally without losing anyone's respect in doing so.

One of the Rat's greatest assets is his charm. Rats can melt hearts with their smiles. Add that to their coquettish personalities and you can easily see how they conquer the hearts of others. And, since Rats love to go out, they have plenty of chances to meet potential suitors or future partners. An annoying quirk of some Rats is they have a difficult time severing ties with former lovers. Obviously, this can pose potential conflicts for the Rat and his new lover and can even endanger his ability to develop new relationships. When the Rat finally settles down with Mr. or Ms. Right, he will find a sincere satisfaction in the intimacy of the partnership.

Sagittarian Rats sail through life and couple wisdom with perceptive. They can spot an opportunity a mile away, and are quick to act on it. Generally, these Rats are lucky but they have itchy feet.

Travel delights the Rat personality and ignites his curiosity. Sunbathing is not the ideal way for a Rat to spend his vacation. Rats are adventurers. They want to explore, examine, visit and party during their time off. They want to try new foods, find new sights and experience the culture of the area they are visiting. And, of course, if they can come home with an exotic souvenir to add to their collection their vacation will have been an instant success.

The Chinese say others should always listen to the advice of the Rat. Because of their intellect and observatory powers, Rat people possess prudence and perception. They can anticipate problems, and are always able to see the big picture. They can hone in on issues at hand and make measurable judgments. These skills, combined with their sense of aspiration also make them clever operators. Status, money, title, and recognition are important to the Rat. They have keen senses of observation that allow them to foresee upcoming business opportunities as well as potential occupational problems. The Rat makes a better boss than an employee and, although motivated, they can be pinned down by routines. Rats work better in flexible situations where they can be freely creative.

Cunning and thrifty, Rats have a knack with money and are apt to save for rainy days. When capable, the Rat is a great money saver, and in strapped times he knows how to make something out of nothing or how to turn make things advantageous for himself. Although few Rats suffer financially, the Chinese have a proverb: They who pile up grain hoards have much to lose.


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